
jump-680x351I’ve never been one to take long periods of time to make a decision. Oh, there have been times when I took my time in pulling the trigger – but that’s only because there was something in my gut that told me to hold off.

I’ve been around people who have to analyze, make spread sheets, do comparisons, ask friends and family, re-evaluate, do more research, and in the end – still don’t feel comfortable pulling the trigger. I love these people, but I can’t JUMP on that train.

Some say I’m a risk-taker, others call me “brave”- how can you JUMP into the unknown? I really don’t know…I call it faith, trust, and living life with no regrets.


This past week I was reminded how 13 years ago I made another life-changing decision, then JUMPED. I was “burned out” in a job I loved, but as many of you know – you can’t live in that state very long before it affects your body and mind in ways that does not support “healthy”.

I made a decision to relocate to a city 175 miles north. Once I made that decision, I JUMPED! In fact, I even took 7 months to build a house in the exact area I wanted to live before I packed my current house to move. During that time I never re-evaluated, re-visited, or questioned my decision…I just kept my focus on the goal.


Thinking back…I’ve JUMPED so many times in my life, not only because I KNEW it was right, but also because I had FAITH that what I was doing was right.

Many of you know, I am building a business that came to me at a time I was praying for a change. Without knowing it was right, I JUMPED and never looked back. I am convinced this opportunity is a blessing straight from God, especially through all the ups and downs over the past 4-1/2 years. What’s better than coming in at the beginning…waiting until the “bugs” have been worked out and the company is getting ready to move into massive momentum?

Our company is partnered with world-class research companies with at least 7 new-patented products (ready to go). We have systems in place, so anyone can do this business. We are expanding globally into multiple countries in 2017, including Hong Kong/China and Europe. Currently we are open for business in Canada, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Australia, and Columbia. Who do you know in one of these countries? Better still, who do you know in the U.S. who knows someone in one of these countries? That’s the beginning of how to grow into other countries. We build with integrity, our leadership is sound, we pay through one of the best compensation plans in the industry, and we support each other like no other company I have known.

That being said…I am looking to meet people who are willing to JUMP, and not look back. Referrals to me are priceless. Is it YOU, or do you know someone prepared to JUMP? If you are unsure how to bring it up, contact me – I don’t get hung up on outcomes. I can tell you from experience, JUMPING is the most fulfilling experience you will ever have…trust me!


My Beach Money Story

As I emptied my nightstand drawer Sunday afternoon, I unfolded a neatly stapled handwritten stack of papers that I hadn’t looked at in at least three years. I smile, as I remember the morning by business coach, Ed DeCosta asked me to write about my life – 5 years into the future.

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I figure most people would have difficulty imagining their life a month into the future, but not me! I just finished reading Beach Money by Jordan Adler for the second time that year. His story intrigued me – especially Chapter 3 – It Rained on My Dreams That Day. I re-read that chapter what seemed like a hundred times, hanging on every word. So when I sat down that weekend in 2009 to write my story, I clearly saw where I would be in 2014! It was exciting to anticipate the journey with each new paragraph that rolled from my pen. Nine pages later…my story was written.


Granted, no one knows the future for certain. Each day becomes a decision and our life is full of choices. I once read the average adult in the U.S. today makes about 35,000 decisions each day, most of which are rather simple. What if we each took an active role in those choices? I’m not talking about outcomes, just choices. If you had a choice about where you worked, if you worked, where you lived, how you spent your day, etc., would you participate in your story? Given that choice – my vote would absolutely be YES!

I titled my assignment – My Beach Money Story – 2014 and for many months after it was written, I read it every week. Like Jordan, it lay on my nightstand and each night I would read one or two pages of my story.  At an uncertain point, it got tucked away in the top drawer of my nightstand, and resurfaced at least once the following year. I re-read my story and knew someday…I would be living that story.

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Fast forward to October 18, 2015 where this story begins. As I begin to read my beach money story, I smile. It’s as if the first two pages were written in the last few months…how can that be?  The story reads exactly as it is today…wow!  I am living my beach money story!  Napoleon Hill said it best – “whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe…it can achieve”.


I know many of my friends have read or heard about dream boards and vision statements. I know many have good intentions of putting one or the other (or maybe both) together, but never really followed through.  After seeing first hand, the power of a five year vision statement come to fruition, there is no way I can sit back and not share what just happened.  A vision put to paper 5 years ago – and something I haven’t revisited in three years, suddenly has become my reality. Write it out…where would you like to be in 5 years; what would you like to be doing differently; who are the people you want to be near;  when will you take that dream vacation; who, what, where, and when…but remember to leave off the how.  Amazingly enough…the how will happen.  I challenge you to take the time to do this before the end of 2015 – what a gift to yourself…and what a way to begin 2020!

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Who Do You Know in Korea?


The reason for my inquiry…my company Nerium International, is expanding in Korea July  27, 2015.

Nerium is the global leader for comprehensive anti-aging solutions for the face, body, and mind.  Nerium is working with several bioscience research organizations in the United States, such as Signum Bioscience Laboratories out of Princeton University to deliver the highest quality products throughout the world.  The core values under which Nerium operates are always focused on “making people better”, and we accomplish that goal through personal development for each business owner, giving back to those less fortunate throughout the world, and working together as a worldwide organization in a loving, caring, and sharing way.

Nerium offers an excellent ground floor opportunity for anyone (male or female) who may be interested in earning a primary or secondary income stream.   I find it interesting that 6 million Koreans already work in the direct sales industry and 4.5 million work in our industry – as their primary source of income. That being said, if you know someone interested in learning more about Nerium International, please share my contact information with them. We take pride in connecting people to the right mentors in order to be successful in their business, and we work on a referral basis, so it would be important to connect them back to me.  Rest assured, if the intent to move forward were present, I would connected the individual to the right people in our Korean Brand Center.

They can learn more about our company, our exclusive line of patented products, and the Nerium business opportunity, and also contact me-by visiting my website at nancyp.nerium.com.  For more specific information on our Korean expansion prior to July 27, please visit www.nancyp.nerium.kr.  I appreciate any referrals.


Last Christmas I received a one sentence journal called “The Happiness Project” from a very special friend.  Every night, I wrote one or two sentences of gratitude or accomplishment from my day.  It is a five-year record of my life.  I have to admit, when I cracked it open last year – I wondered if I would even care what had been written in previous years. Until I opened the book today and read my first two sentences from 2014, I really didn’t comprehend the impact this little five-year journal held. Today I received a gift…from last year’s entry.  photo

January 1, 2014 – I spent today helping a man with a ruptured aneurysm recover, and a critically ill woman receive a diagnosis. Took up the majority of my day, but right now…that’s my life. 

Those closest to me know my journey and inspiration this past year.  So many adjectives and emotions to describe the good, the not-so-good – the highs and the lows. It was a year filled with juggling schedules, trading or giving away call, taking paid time off to attend an event or appointment, and using my lunch or a break in my schedule to slip outside and make or return a phone call.  You see, I set a goal – an important goal…and I would NOT stop before reaching it.  My co-workers were supportive in helping me with scheduling conflicts, as often as they were able.  I’m sure a couple of them thought I was crazy a time or two, and maybe I was!

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Regardless, I am thankful for each of you – more than you’ll ever know!

photoAs I sit down this evening to write my “Year Two” entry for January 1, 2015 – I can’t help but feel a little emotional about what I write:

A year of new beginnings…tomorrow I close the door and walk away from 35 years in the medical field.  It has served me well – but the time has come to change lives in a different capacity. 

Bittersweet…as I absolutely love the path I chose to follow after graduation-many years ago. I have met some amazing life-long friends on my journey, to date.  I have so many stories and experiences – I could write a book…and probably will..  I am so BLESSED…and THANKFUL!  I love you all, and wish each of you – YOUR BEST YEAR EVER…in 2015!

You Made Me Feel…

I learned a long time ago when people would say “you made me feel…” – never to get caught up in their drama.  Bottom line, no one can “make you feel” anything – you make yourself feel the way you feel.  No one else can control your emotions.  Sure…people can influence your emotions – but never control them.  So why would I bring this up?  Interestingly enough, I experienced a whole different twist on that statement in the last 12 months.

This past year (2011) I sent out 1156 greeting cards to family, friends, co-workers, business associates, customers and prospective customers. When January 2012 rolled around, I came full-circle with that challenge to myself. One full year of re-kindling relationships, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions; saying “thank you”, “I’m sorry”, and “I appreciate you”;  and establishing relationships in my business. The response was both unexpected and over-whelming.

When my contact manager updated with the first birthday reminder of the new year, I felt deep within my heart that life had changed.  I recall the emails, Facebook messages, cards and notes I received after sending a card (and maybe a gift) with sentiments that echoed thanks and appreciation – something I never expected would happen.  Interestingly enough, those responses showed me there is a need to reach out to others.  People LOVE appreciation and thoughtfulness, and when you have a system that reminds you – it’s never a problem to remember!

People who know me well, know I always say, “life is an echo…what you send out – comes back”.  My friends Tommy Wyatt & Curtis Lewsey who wrote “Appreciation Marketing” also taught me this important fact – What you give out is what you get back in this life and we all have 100% control over that.  So, if I helped people feel appreciated, happy, thankful, blessed, etc – it makes me feel the same, because life is an echo…what you send out does come back!

Riding for Jaxon

Tomorrow evening I will travel the mountains of West Virginia to North Bend State Park to ride in my 2nd Century bike ride for Timmy’s Fund.  If you are not familiar with this non-profit organization you can check it out at http://www.timmysfund.org.   I can’t say enough about their mission to help families who have been emotionally and financially devastated by childhood cancer.  The support for these families is phenomenal through Timmy’s Fund, and here’s why.  Seven short years ago, the Quigley’s lost their son within 7 months of discovering he had a Medulloblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.   At a time when they could have turned bitter because of their loss, they turned their grief and devastation into something positive.  They established Timmy’s Fund to give back to the mass amounts of people who supported them emotionally, spiritually, and financially during Timmy’s illness.

I was introduced to this awesome organization two years ago when I took my granddaughters to a “balloon release” fund raiser in Grafton.  As kids would, they had a blast that afternoon.  But that Saturday, I saw the heart of this group and something inside me was moved.  A short time later, I received a letter promoting their 1st Century Bike Ride in October.  I sent Joe and Tara a card and told them I would consider riding in the event that fall.  As time grew closer to the date, I felt an obligation to do the ride.  After all, how hard could 100 miles be on a bicycle?

Well, I received the answer to my question on October 10th and 11th….a little difficult when you haven’t trained for it.  But I did it!!  And if I remember correctly, my sponsors contributed $700 to support Timmy’s Fund in this event.

Throughout the year, I became more involved with Timmy’s Fund by supporting some individual families.  One special 4-yr old boy in particular held a special place in my heart; his name was Jaxon.  He was a very brave little guy in my eyes, and touched the hearts of so many.

Sadly…11 days ago, Jaxon lost his battle with a Neuroblastoma – and it absolutely broke my heart.  I would ask that you keep his family in your prayers during this difficult time.  In fact, keep all the families who struggle with childhood cancer in your prayers – their journey is sometimes over-whelming.  So this year when I hit the trail at North Bend…I will be riding for Jaxon.

In Loving Memory of

Jaxon Bryce Webber

December 2, 2007 – August 14, 2011

365 Thank Yous

I just finished a book entitled “365 Thank Yous” by John Kralik.  It was a gift from a friend.  Seeing it on the bookshelf in the airport prior to a departing flight, she told me when she saw it – the book reminded her of me…interesting!

If you haven’t read the book, I won’t give it away – just hit a few points that intrigued me.

An attorney at the lowest point of his life is paralyzed by misfortune, and unsure what his future holds. In desperation, he spends New Years Day hiking alone in the mountains.  During this time, John remembers a story about his grandfather, and how he never followed through on a promise made to him.  He makes a decision in that moment to be grateful for the blessings in his life.  Instead of focusing on his lack, he decides to be grateful for what he has; to acknowledge relationships with people in his life.  This inspired a goal to write and send 365 ‘heart-felt’ thank you notes each day over the next year.  He starts off with thank-yous to everyone he received a Christmas present from that year.  Once he ran out of gifts (a reason to say thank you), he wasn’t sure how to continue. His story evolves as the year progresses.

Somehow I can slightly relate to his dilemma.  I promised myself a year ago to reach out to one person every day – long before I read Mr. Kralik‘s book.  I would start my day by sending an unexpected card each morning.  At first it was easy; celebrate a birthday or special occasion, say “thank you” for a gift or a thoughtful gesture.  Then I started to have mornings when I would wake up and stress about who I would reach out to that day.  It kind of defeated the purpose of the act. It didn’t take a hike in the mountains to make me realize where I fell short.  Was I sending to give, or sending to get?

Honestly, for most of my adult life – I have been a card sender.  In fact, I would imagine Hallmark is probably pretty upset with me right now…obviously.  Although I became somewhat lax over the past 10 years in consistency, the thought to send remained – even though the action to mail was a struggle.  I love to brighten someone’s day with an unexpected card.

To read the changes that occurred in John’s life over this 15 month period, made me realize the blessings that occurred in my life – just by revisiting an activity I once decided was irrelevant and unappreciated. I now have a tool to reach out to  others 24/7.  I have the ability to celebrate life; thank someone genuinely for a gift, gesture, or a kind word;  send my holiday cards in minutes instead of days; make invitations; expand my business by staying top of mind with customers and business associates; but most important – make someone laugh, or at least smile each and every day!  I have to tell you…the journey has been amazing!

I had someone tell me they went to their mailbox on their birthday and my card was the only one in the box…wow!   I made a promise to myself never to allow a friend celebrating a birthday to open an empty box.  I’m gonna do my best…one card at a time!

Happy Father’s Day!

On the bookshelf in my office sits a 1968 light tan leather portable AM radio. It means the world to me.

Growing up, I can remember coming home to Bob Prince and Lanny Frattare broadcasting play-by-play commentary of the Bucco’s (Pittsburgh Pirates) game from this radio.  Many a night, my dad and I would sit on the back porch swing and listen until the final out in the bottom of the ninth.  Many times it would go several more innings, until that tie breaking run crossed home plate.  Those were the days!  I’m really not kidding…those were some of the best days growing up.

When my dad passed away in November of 1996, my three brothers, sister, and myself had the task of cleaning out dad’s house – the house I grew up in my first 17 years.  With five of us, you can imagine some of the challenges of dividing things up.  I can only speak personally when I say, there were only a couple things I really wanted.  The original Lionel train set my dad would set up each year around our Christmas tree.  I can remember how we would fight over who would drop the smoke pellet pills in the engine, or who would blow the whistle on the transformer as the train raced around the track.  The other…was dad’s radio.  It sits on my bookshelf, in my office – and is a constant reminder of some wonderful memories.

When I think back on the special memories of my dad…the ones that are forever embedded in my heart – the old brown radio definitely made the Top 10 list!  There was something about it; the place where it sat on the window ledge or the table next to my dad’s chair, and the fact that we sat side by side on that 5 foot swing together…slowly drifting back and forth.  Back then I thought it was about the game, but it wasn’t.  It was about the time we spent together – each night before ending our day.  It was the best!

And on a day like today, when we take time to remember out Fathers, well dad….I’ll sit on my back porch and catch a few innings of the Buccos/Indians game this afternoon.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad!

It’s not really about the jeans…is it?

Looking in my closet for a pair of jeans yesterday morning wasn’t an easy thing for me.  Not because of sizing (believe it or not), but because of something I occasionally struggle with…letting go.  I find it so hard to get rid of my old jeans with the holes, for so many reasons.  First of all they are so comfortable – kind of like sitting down with an old friend and a cup of coffee on a cool summer morn.  They are broken in, softer than the new rigid jeans I acquired as a replacement – the ones that still have about 150 or so washings before they get to be my “favorites”.    Every time I take them off the hanger to wear “one last time” – they somehow find a way back into my closet on the same hanger.  Why is it so hard to let go of a pair of jeans?  Interesting question…

Maybe it’s not a “jeans” analogy…suppose it’s a life analogy.  I do tend to gravitate toward those things I am most comfortable with, and shy away from the unknown or new.  Think about how many times during our day we lean toward comfortable choices and avoid the unfamiliar. Simple things like our morning routine; our route to work; when, what, or where we eat; our evening at home – do you ever just want to do something different? 

Comfort is good…favorites are good, but here’s a challenge – let go of something that is familiar or causes you to be comfortable.  Take a step toward something positive that feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar – stay there for a while…come back if you must, but don’t stay long.  Venture out again, even if you feel you aren’t ready.  The next time, it will feel a little more comfortable.  See where this leads…you just might surprise yourself.

My friend, leaving one’s comfort zone is no small chore!  Trust me, I’ve learned this first hand.  But I can say, when it’s all said and done – it’s worth it!   ~Josh Hines

Finish Strong

I remember as we started our last day of work in Honduras, Pastor Shawn encouraged each of us to “finish strong”.  The week had been long, the construction team labored intensively the past 4 days; vacation bible school grew from 26 children to well over 60 by weeks end; and the medical brigade dealt with personal illness among the staff, as well as other obstacles within the clinic – while striving to provide the best possible health care to the patients that flowed through the door.  The tiredness was mask by the over-whelming feeling of accomplishment.  We did finish strong!

What would life be like if we looked at each task or goal we set in this manner?  I was reminded of those 2 words this morning, as soon as my eyes popped open.  In January, I set a short-term goal I wanted to obtain by April 15, 2011.  I have since moved the date up to April 8 – two days from today.  I feel like I’ve worked hard; staying focused and diligent in every possible way- in order to reach my goal.  Will I make it…absolutely, without a doubt.

I have to share with you how amazing this journey has been.  I learned about goal-setting, planning, discipline, and focus from my coach and mentor.  I practice these activities over and over, but one of the intricate details I repeatedly leave out, is control over the outcome.  I have learned throughout these past 90 days to give up the outcome!  Set the goal, plan my strategy, and stay focused; but let go of forcing the result.

You will never guess what happened

But the best part, was seeing how things actually played out.  Twists and turns and obstacles miraculously turned to gold…wow!

So set the goal…run a 5K, bike 100 miles, start your own business, or take that business to the next level. Plan your activity; be diligent and stay focused….then let go and enjoy the ride.  Oh yeah, most important… finish strong!